Online home and office building auctions
Below you will find, from various auctioneers, an overview of online home and office building auctions relating to estates offered by the curator. Here, you will also find online home and office building auctions not relating to any bankruptcy.
2 auctions found.
Online veiling van woonunits, stellingen, opslagtenten, wandecoratie en machines te Zeewolde.
Troostwijk Auctions - Veilingen
Let op! Deze veiling is geannuleerd in verband met verkoop krachtens art 3:268 lid 2 B.W. jo art 548 Rv. Zitting Rechtbank Utrecht 28 mei 15.30 uur.VeilingnotarisCMS Derks Star Busmann Isabelle BalvertNewtonlaan 2033584 BH UtrechtTelefoon: +31 30 2121602Fax: +31 30 2121226 Dit dossier is in behandeling bij mw. E.C. Ruiter-Overbeeke.e-mail: