Online car and vehicles auctions in the province Noord-Brabant of HNVI
Below you will find, from HNVI, an overview of online car and vehicles auctions in the province Noord-Brabant relating to estates offered by the curator. Here, you will also find online car and vehicles auctions not relating to any bankruptcy.
2 auctions found.
Online veiling wegens bedrijfsbeëindiging i.o.v. directieMet o.a.
paardentrailer/foodtruck in aanbouw
Arcade Spelkast tafelmodel
IBC vaten met Ethylalcohol
horeca apparatuur
elektrische tandenborstels
velgen etc.
Online veiling i.o.v. curator mr. A. van Haandel van Banning Advocaten te 's-HertogenboschMet o.a.
AUDI A3 Sportsback Hybrid
bedrijfswagen Iveco Daily
kabel en constructiematerialen
heftruck Still
kantoorinventaris etc.